Our team of literacy specialists, interventionists, and coaches work with students, teachers, and families to help students achieve academic goals. In addition to working with students, our dedicated professionals collaborate with grade level teams to provide resources and ongoing professional learning to support and enrich instruction in the classroom.
Math Instruction at MES
At Mechanicsville Elementary, we believe that all students can learn mathematics. Our goal is to empower students to become mathematical problem solvers, communicate and reason mathematically, and make connections within mathematics. The math coach will support and collaborate with teachers to increase students' learning and create a positive learning environment where all students can develop a deeper understanding of mathematics.
Literacy Instruction at MES
MES is proud to offer a literacy program that works to ensure all students will become effective communicators across all disciplines by engaging in a volume of authentic reading, writing, speaking, and listening experiences rooted in evidence-based literacy instruction. Teachers constantly observe and assess student work to best meet student literacy needs. All instruction aligns with the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) incorporating the Virginia Standards of Learning and Hanover County Division Literacy Plan. For more information about literacy in Hanover county and Virginia, please visit our parent site.
Math and Reading Intervention
Through observation and assessment, we can determine which students would benefit from small group reading and math interventions. Literacy specialists use state approved literacy materials and screeners to drive instruction. Math interventionists provide targeted math instruction to support students' understanding and achievements. Our team of specialists monitor the progress of students and provide daily supplemental instruction. Math intervention at MES provides supplemental math instruction and additional teaching and math resources in the classroom that support student understanding and achievement. Our intervention helps exceed expectations for all MES students as they work to meet challenging state achievement standards.
Schoolwide Title I
Title I schools receive supplemental funding through Title I Part A of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act. Funds are allocated to each state and states, in turn, allocate funds to local school systems based on the percentage of low-income families. Title I funds are in addition to operating funds and are supplemental.